We DO have a kind of tuning system, e.g. the baby-Rs. Take the half-full/half-empty explanation: The Baby-R is not a DEtuned UFR, it's a UF1 with slicks AND 80hp!
Cruise servers: We can earn money by driving, robbing banks, win lotteries and so on. (at least it WAS possible... do those cruise servers still exist?) With the money we're able to buy bigger cars. There's even cops and speed traps on those servers!
CTRA have provided a system where you can drive cars in different classes, get licenses to bigger cars/engines, can learn to drive properly in a big grid,.....
All arcade racers are built on the same principle, which has been invented somewhen in the 80s: more speed=worse handling and so on. If you take a look at some random NFS-forum you'll notice that despite the vast numbers of tuning parts the really fast people are driving exactly the same cars with the same parts! So to me tuning parts don't make any sense. Everyone will jump on the best set of parts immediately, that's perfectly natural.
With Insim e.g. you can theoretically program the kind of game you want to play in LFS, nothing is impossible. We've got money earning systems, forced intake restrictions, forced weight to be added. Just combine these, rent a server and wait for the folks to flood in!
Nah, you're a Demo racer...
I don't mean this in a bad way, but Demoers always seem to want more content... Buy a license, go online and open your eyes!
There IS more content on the good side!
der butz