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der butz
S3 licensed
me too. "hammer, red" it was in my brain :-). But I didn't care about those maths in the beginning.
I've asked Katja to instantly tell me a random colour and a tool, she said red wrench, so 50% for her :-)


der "tell me instantly what you think of when you read my name" butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I'm going to call my kids George Bush, Mao, Idi Aminand Osama.
Then I'm going to film them when they fight over some lego.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
depends where you live, nesteq is a pretty reliable brand over here, also enermax... But yes, go with something that sounds like you've heard before and which isn't too cheap


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
PSU is a bit ott I think. 450W should be easily enough for a PC with your specs. My rig has got a c2d 6550, 2 gigs RAM, a 4850 and such. I'm using about 170-180 Watts when playing lfs (including sound system, 22' tft and while having other programs running like paint shop, ventrilo,....)
So a decent 400-500W psu should be more than you'd need. In my case that is a super silent nesteq 4501 afair.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :/promotech...

Jeeee, I'm in!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Just testing my new sig... might also be interesting for whinging people like southamptonfc...


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
patch tested with all the cars, sound turned of due to sleeping missus. Looked at brake discs, abs functionality and texture/model bugs. everything fine here. I really like the coice of cars with and without ABS, like in real life! ABS also kicks in nicely - however I didn't completely get the orangey stuff in F9-view. Is an orange-looking tyre the indicator for blocked? If yes, then the idea is great! One can't always feel a blocking inside tyre in a game...

Another job well done. Tanks and merry christmas scavier!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I found THIS version (patch F) best. Try if the Speedo works.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
what I love most about your vids is the brilliant fluidness! There is no lag, no noticeable decrease in framerate. The effects are set quite sparingly and subtle. And except for the purple cone I couldn't find a single error in physics :-)
If anyone would want to know what lfs is all about, I'll give him a link to your videos!


der butz

EDIT: BTW the music, though absolutely not my favourite taste, fits just perfectly to every piece of art you made!
der butz
S3 licensed
you forgot about my post :-)
der butz
S3 licensed
We DO have a kind of tuning system, e.g. the baby-Rs. Take the half-full/half-empty explanation: The Baby-R is not a DEtuned UFR, it's a UF1 with slicks AND 80hp!

Cruise servers: We can earn money by driving, robbing banks, win lotteries and so on. (at least it WAS possible... do those cruise servers still exist?) With the money we're able to buy bigger cars. There's even cops and speed traps on those servers!

CTRA have provided a system where you can drive cars in different classes, get licenses to bigger cars/engines, can learn to drive properly in a big grid,.....

All arcade racers are built on the same principle, which has been invented somewhen in the 80s: more speed=worse handling and so on. If you take a look at some random NFS-forum you'll notice that despite the vast numbers of tuning parts the really fast people are driving exactly the same cars with the same parts! So to me tuning parts don't make any sense. Everyone will jump on the best set of parts immediately, that's perfectly natural.

With Insim e.g. you can theoretically program the kind of game you want to play in LFS, nothing is impossible. We've got money earning systems, forced intake restrictions, forced weight to be added. Just combine these, rent a server and wait for the folks to flood in!

Nah, you're a Demo racer...

I don't mean this in a bad way, but Demoers always seem to want more content... Buy a license, go online and open your eyes! There IS more content on the good side!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I give the thread starter 100 points for this stupid and senseless but very very funny idea!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I think when we're old (No, I'm 31, so NOT old :-)) we'll have computers, mobiles, pnas, all the stuff, and we'll be fine with them since we've grown up with them. But I also believe there will be new kinds of technologies coming up (no, we'll not have star trek tech), new logical ways of combining and (not) plugging devices,...... These might be the stuff our nightmares are made of... and our kids will have no problems using them, because they've grown up using them :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
in short: great wheel, running for 4 years, not worn out, easy to install/configure, good support, won't break if you're a "normal" user.


der butz

Edit: You'll find enough threads if you search for "rally" in the wheels and controllers area.
Last edited by der butz, .
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 : ... ductID=8&PlatformID=5

Just one of the many wheels with analog paddles made by Thrustmaster.

It's not as good as a DFP, but still a reasonably decent wheel.

In fact I own one of these. Thrustmaster Rally GT pro force feedback (clutch edition). The wheel has 4 paddles, 2 analogue ones and 2 digitals for shifting.
The wheel is much sturdier than the dfp, has got ball bearings unlike the dfp, and last but not least it's not some über hyped BS like the dfp and its logicrap successors. I've got it for about 4 1/2 years now and still it's working perfectly. I've heard of broken shift paddles, and after 3 1/2 years I've broken one myself (due to very very harsh usage of the paddles sometimes). I have called up the thrustmaster support and they've sent me a replacement kit with a manual,no questions asked.


der "i can't stand the moaning about broken logitech stuff, so I choose something different which is better" butz
der butz
S3 licensed
With all respect, you're one old nitpicker...

Sure nothing says it's prohibited to "mod" the game. If you can manage to implement new car models replacing the old ones and use them at home, noone will know, noone will sue you.
If you make a movie out of it and post it on youtube though, things might change. Look at what stupid kiddies do all day with speedhacks. If ONE irresponsible person publishes how car models are made and implemented, more people will start doing it, split the whole scene into modders and non-modders, build shoeboxes with infinite grip and power, ruin their lfs folder maybe, won't be able to play online anymore because of invalid parameters, will start crying around here and keep the devs off from work,..........

It may not be prohibited by law, but modding cars is not wanted by most people in the community, period. Anyone with some common sense knows that we may not modify anything, and if you ask me (I know you don't :-)) The day LFS gets moddable by everyone will be the beginning of the end for a great game I really really enjoyed for more than 4 years now.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Sorry for OT, but I wonder what your signature shall mean... is this a snail on a broomstick flying in reverse?


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I've got the same router, works perfectly here through tough walls and everything...
Out of 20MBit I get 19500 all the time. I've got a bi-quad antenna with a piece of quite expensive cable on it, it is directional but allows some 60° angle.
Google it, it's easy to build one!


der buuutz
der butz
S3 licensed
I'd like to take part if I may...


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from dan12s :damn! not another good racer for cr.
well congrats dan and cr.

We don't have one good racer in the team!

We have GREAT racers... except for this german guy... butz... he's a slow arse!


(not) der butz
der butz
S3 licensed


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :+1

I still don't understand why people drive those restricted UFRs. I imagine slicked TBOs would be much the same - put a brick on the throttle and go make a cup of tea.

It's RACING, not cruising mate :-) j/k

restricted ufrs take out a little dynamics, allow very very close races due to the fact that you can take different lines at the same speeds.
Also the Baby-Rs are close to real life tuned saloons from the near past.

Just a thought for those who like the idea of slick tbo:
Try and get slickmod running and build up a new niche! If this wtcc kind of class becomes popular by driving small then bigger leagues you have some kind of proof that it works! Don't talk about it, do it! I might want to have a go as well, sounds interesting.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
As a german with grandparents from eastern prussia (Königsberg, today part of Poland) and as being related to Georg Elser (the brave man building the bomb in Munich before WWII began) I don't want to think about what could have been if Hitler got killed.
Some of you guys have good points, some of the stuff written here is utter crap and should be deleted immediately... e.g. the sh*t under the Rammstein post.
Fact is that in a way we still suffer from what our regime has done to people 65 years ago. Another fact is that several countries have not yet learned from the mistakes we've made. Germany has become a country that really tries to solve conflicts on a non-violent base (sometimes too fiffy soft for some other countries), we are tought to believe in everyone's dignity and treat everyone the same way. Sure, that doesn't work out all the time... but seeing the rise of right-wing pseudo-christian or muslim regimes in Poland, Italy, the USA and elsewhere makes us wonder if people from abroad still have the cruelties of several wars in mind...
Last but not least many countries have killed millions of people. China and America still kill people by stupid laws, Russia still kills people, look at Tibet and the British Colonies and South Africa and........... the list is endless.

I can't even say "don't let this kind of intolerance come to reign again", because it IS happening right now.
Only this time Germany is not THAT involved.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from Spils :2d and 3d work...
Motorway speed over here is capped to 70mph. why would anyone need a car that can do over 71mph..if thats the case??

lmao, true!


why WOULD anyone actually want a faster car? Would be more than enough to castrate the damn things and make them go no quicker than 80 miles!
On the other hand, forget what I said, if that would be the case, then half of europe would come over here stuffing our beautiful Autobahn with rented german cheapo cars doing 105 on a loooooong straight!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Argh, you've got me there :-)

But I've got two excuses:

1. Exams start tomorrow, I'm feckin tired (tyred? :-)) and my head feels like totally empty.

2. I'm a humourless german from an ice planet or so. Nevermind


der ubzt